First, I guess I should get a team name. I’ve failed at that, because I’m just not sufficiently creative However, I did manage to race a little in 2016. Unfortunately, nowhere near as much as I wanted, and my times
Racing — part deux
Well… I guess I’m getting the racing thing the hard way. Took to Arroyo Seco down near Deming for the second attempt, and it didn’t go quite as well. I don’t know the track nearly as well as I’d like
Doomed. I hadn’t planned to buy a new bike – in fact, I had planned not to. When the deal appeared, I failed — and then I decided to try racing it. Hello, 2002 RC51. Bought on Friday, suspension setup
Sipapu for the LOEBMW rally
More to come on this, but Heather and I got our second ride (ONLY our second ride) in for the year. There’s been day trips, and hops, but not much. Despite Clair (who’s idea it was) not being able to