Among the most ‘impacting’ and lasting of the effects of being hit is that one of my vocal cords is paralyzed. This means my voice is pretty pants, and gets tired easily. I’m hoarse and super-quiet, and if I try
Recovery Journal
My PT had suggested that I keep some sort of recovery journal, in case someone else googles and wants to know about major cycling accidents (though with my PageRank, the odds of this coming up for anyone are /super/ slim).
Jaw unwiring
Well… Monday was a banner day — after 6 weeks, they unwired my jaw. That’s 4 weeks of smoothies and soup, which is about as exciting as it sounds. The bad news; I had realised they had basically safety wired
I feel like I’ve been hit my a truck…
… and sadly, it’s because I was. Also perhaps sadly (though I’m not sure) I was on the bicycle, not on a motorcycle. Regardless — WEAR YOUR HELMET. BIKE, BICYCLE — WEAR A HELMET. It saved my life and my